Pipeline Infrastructure Renewal and Asset Management Book

Price:  $119.95 each

Pipeline Infrastructure Renewal and Asset Management Book
This practical resource covers the latest methods to manage, value, and estimate the life and cost of pipeline infrastructure assets. Featuring detailed illustrations, case studies, and examples, this comprehensive guide offers step-by-step instruction on pipeline planning, repair, and renewal. Readers will get thorough coverage of asset valuation, financing, depreciation, and inventory management techniques. Throughout, asset management methods are provided for the full range of building materials and for water, sewer, and pressure pipelines. Written to save the reader time and money, Pipeline Infrastructure Renewal and Asset Management offers technical as well as managerial information and lays out ready-to-use best practices for asset administration, budgeting, and inspection. Pipeline life expectancy, renewal technologies, government standards, and social issues are explained in detail.

592 pages, hardcover.